
// Conócenos


Engitech is the partner of choice for many of the world’s leading enterprises, SMEs and technology challengers. We help businesses elevate their value through custom software development, product design, QA and consultancy services.

We can help to maintain and modernize your IT infrastructure and solve various infrastructure-specific issues a business may face.

// Nuestro Enfoque

Misión & Visión

PHP Website Development Services

Engitech is the partner of choice for many of the world’s leading enterprises, SMEs and technology challengers. We help businesses elevate their value through custom software development, product design, QA and consultancy services.

// Conócenos más

Equipo Comunicloud

Nuestro equipo está conformado por especialistas en las más importantes áreas

David Ferry

Co-Founder of company

Christina Torres

Co-Founder of company

Amalia Bruno

CTO of company

Robert Cooper

CEO of company
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Empresas afiliadas
Años de Experiencia
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